Single Block Variations – Free Download

Single Block Variations – Free Download

This download gives lots of tips on how to create a varied edition from a single lino block by adding additional colour to different parts of your print using your own stencils. Have you got any old blocks you could update without more carving? If you like top tips...
An Interview with AI

An Interview with AI

AI is very much in the news these days. I’m curious about it and wondered about how I might use it for my linoprinting and hand-printing practise.  So I asked Canva Magic Write to give me some answers… What are the advantages of using it? Using AI as an...
Wabi Sabi Linoprinting

Wabi Sabi Linoprinting

What are the key tenets of wabi-sabi? The Japanese term wabi-sabi (侘寂) suggests such qualities as impermanence, humility, asymmetry, and imperfection. These underlying principles are diametrically opposed to those of their Western counterparts, whose values are rooted...
Using Mark Making Techniques

Using Mark Making Techniques

What Is Mark Making?  Mark making is any mark made using any material on any surface, such as: pencil on paper photoshop brush mark on a screen scratch in clay paint on a canvas carving into lino adding and removing ink on an acrylic plate or a gelatin plate to create...
What is a Lino Print?

What is a Lino Print?

What is Lino Printing? Lino printing also known as lino cutting, is seen as a traditional printmaking method. The Process You cut a design into a block of lino with a variety of tools available (from e.g Jacksons, Handprinted or Turners art specialists). Then  the...